Rappahannock River Camping

The upper reaches of the Rappahannock River offer some of the best float trip camping in northern Virginia. Canoeing or kayaking the river grants access to an abundance of scenery and recreation. Best of all, easy access and logistics make a weekend on the river especially relaxing.


A unique characteristic of the river makes it one of the most accessible float trips in the region.The city of Fredericksburg owns most of the land on bordering the river for roughly 30 miles upstream from the city. This land had been intentionally left undeveloped and is open to the public for recreational purposes, including backcountry camping. There are also a number of public access points that offer overnight parking, eliminating the need for a shuttle service if you plan with two cars. These great conveniences create the possibility of a camping trip free of  any reservations or fees.

Rappahannock Kayaking
Paddling the Rappahannock in high waters


Thanks to Fredericksburg’s land ownership, canoers and kayakers get treated to miles of untouched forests along the riverbanks. In addition to the rare sight of undeveloped waterfront property, you’ll get to enjoy the river’s clear waters and abundant wildlife. A float trip along the river all but guarantees sightings of turtles, snakes, and a good chance for an eagle sighting. If you’re both lucky and observant you may even see some of the rarer animals in the area such as a bobcat, bear, coyote, or owl.

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Clear Rappahannock Water
Clear water of the Rappahannock


The beautiful clear waters makes fantastic swimming all summer long. There are countless deep water pools to swim in or small rapids to play around in along the river .

Paddlers with a sharp eye might even spot a rope swing hidden along the southern bank which can turn a lazy float into an afternoon of thrills.

Fishing is a huge attraction for anglers all around the state who come to fish for both Large and Smallmouth Bass. Recently reports of Northern Snakehead making their way into the river have become more and more common.

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